Chagrin Falls Township Zoning
Zoning Inspector
The Township Zoning Inspector is Edgar Boles who can be contacted at or phone at 216-408-8823.
The Zoning Inspector administers compliance with the township Zoning Resolution and issues zoning certificates necessary for building permits. All plans and drawings for new home construction, home additions, site development, accessory buildings, barns and accessory structures such as swimming pools must be submitted to the Zoning Inspector for his initial review.
If the Zoning Inspector finds the application to be in compliance, he will issue a certificate. If he finds the application to not be in compliance, the applicant may appeal his decision to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
The Zoning Inspector also may, at his discretion, refer an application to the BZA regarding compliance issues. Further details about the Zoning Inspector’s authority can be found in the provisions of the Township Zoning Resolution and Chapter 519, Ohio Revised Code.
After the Zoning Inspector issues a zoning certificate, the applicant must obtain a building permit from the Building Inspector.
Approvals are valid for one year.
Download our current Zoning Certificate Application.
See our supporting documentation requirements for zoning certificate applications.
Building Inspector
The Building Inspector is Paul Kowalczyk, telephone (440) 248-1188.
Administration of the township’s Building Code is performed under contract by the Village of Moreland Hills.
Building Permits are issued by the Moreland Hills Building Department. The Moreland Hills Building inspector serves as the Township’s administrative officer for the issuance of Building Permits. The Moreland Hills Building Department is located at 4350 SOM Center Road, Moreland Hills, Ohio, telephone (440) 248-1188.
Further information about the Building Inspector’s authority can be found in the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code, which in conjunction with the Township Zoning Resolution constitutes the Township’s Building Code.
Board of Zoning Appeals
The powers and duties of the Board of Zoning Appeals can be found in the provisions of the Township Zoning Resolution and Chapter 519, Ohio Revised Code. The BZA is appointed by the Township Trustees. The BZA meets on an as-needed basis. Contact (440) 247-8422.
For all questions about zoning issues, please first contact the Zoning Inspector, Edgar Boles. Following the Application for Zoning Certificate, the Zoning Inspector’s decision will determine if appeal to the BZA is needed. Mr. Boles can be contacted at
Appeals from his decisions must be pursued to the BZA within twenty (20) days of the decision, by following the procedures outlined in the Township Zoning Resolution, R.C. 519.15, Ohio Revised Code and the Application referenced in this website.
Zoning Commission
The powers and duties of the Zoning Commission can be found in the provisions of the Township Zoning Resolution and the Ohio Revised Code. The Township Zoning Commission is appointed by the Township Trustees. The Zoning Commission meets on an as-needed basis. Contact (440) 247-8422.
The Zoning Commission reviews, proposes, and considers legislative changes to the Township Zoning Resolution, in consultation with the Township Trustees. Visit our most current Township Zoning Resolutions.
Zoning Downloads